Friday, December 04, 2009

Here's the discount. Please don't use it. :(

First, a certain store automatically deducted $5 from the bill of any customer who had a store ID card and had spent a certain amount of money in that store. Then, they started giving out coupons that couldn't be cashed until the day after the customer had earned the discount. My reaction was that they were counting on many of their customers to lose the coupons, which I often do. :( But now, not only is a customer not permitted to cash the coupon until the day after earning the discount, the customer must also use the coupon within two weeks. My impression: It's all public relations--the store wants to look generous, but doesn't want to be generous.


Blogger Tzipporah said...

Ah yes, that's called marketing. :)

Fri Dec 04, 03:41:00 PM 2009  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

"Marketing--Because making it look good now is more important than providing adequate support later." Yeah, I think that link pretty much says it all. :(

Sat Dec 05, 11:02:00 PM 2009  

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